
Korek Telecom is reaping the benefits of battery regeneration

Thu, 19/11/2020 - 08:54 -- tessavdb
Korek Telecom is reaping the benefits of battery regeneration

As one of the top telecom operators in Iraq, Korek Telecom knows how important it is to maximise every resource. 

Our relationship with Korek Telecom began in Dubai at the Middle East Energy fair in 2018. After attending our presentation, they were convinced that Energic Plus could do wonders for their business. 

We were invited to visit the company and provide training on battery regeneration. Our goal was to demonstrate how Energic Plus battery maintenance tools would benefit their business by reducing battery operating costs and extending battery lives. 

It’s safe to say the message was well received. Korek Telecom went on to purchase three regenerators, along with the full accessory package. They’re now saving time and money thanks to easy, effective battery maintenance. 

We are delighted with this outcome, and sincerely grateful to Korek Telecom for putting their faith in Energic Plus